The stow Silo is a cost-efficient storage solution where the racking is also the load-bearing construction of the warehouse.

Saving out the cost of an extra building, the roof and wall cladding are fixed directly onto the rack structure. The racking is thus not only subject to the loads of the pallets, stacker cranes and conveyors, but also to external forces such as wind and snow.

Unsurprisingly, this requires thorough stress calculations from our engineering team, in order to come up with tailor made solutions for every situation. Each particular design is worked on with the type, weight and size of the load kept firmly in mind. Several features, such as longitudinal and horizontal bracings, anchorage systems and high-quality SIGMA beams guarantee the stability of the structure. The walls and roof are reinforced with steel sub structures in the front and rear zone of the stow Silo.

Multi deep Clad Rack warehouse

The design and scope of the stow Silo racking structure allows for a wide range of possibilities

  • Platforms for maintenance, conveyors, visitors, …
  • Staircases, ladders and towers
  • Top guide rails for stacker cranes
  • All possible safety equipment, such as fences, doors, handrails


  • A tailor-made solution for every situation
  • Roof and wall cladding fixed directly on the rack structure
  • Longitudinal and horizontal bracings guarantee stability of the structure
  • Cost-efficient solution